2 min readMay 20, 2021


** ElonCunt.Finance **

ElonCunt.Finance was created when the founders got tired of the hypocrisy and market manipulation from Elon Musk, we wont go into much detail — our token name says how we feel.

The team is a mix of Crypto Dev’s, Business Marketers, Product Developers & Distributors as well as NFT Artists. We will be looking forward to expand the team as we grow and are also really excited for the future of $eCunt — ultimately taking it to the MOON.

** So what does ElonCunt do apart from trolling Elon? **

$eCUNT is designed to become the GODFATHER of MEME coins, its tokenomics are similar to BTC’s 21 million supply but with reflection rewards/tax of 10%.

$eCUNT will also be a platform built specifically for MEME coin farming and launches.

Stake your MEME coins to get more MEME coins, the platform will be governed by a DAO to vote on fees and futures with the $eCUNT token.

$eCUNT token holders will also be able to purchase $eCUNT NFT’s that will give them access to future hosted MEME Air Drops — more staking power depending on rarity. NFT MEME farms and other VIP rewards.

** $eCUNT Tokenomics **

Total supply is 21 million with a 4% burn function on every transaction, up to 50% of supply. This will be really exciting to watch unfold with the combination of burning BTC and USDT into the contract. We really are pushing the limits to make $eCunt the KING of MEME coins — our “Friend” likes irony and so do we.

The platform will also continually contribute to Charity’s chosen by the community.

We will be holding competitions Airdrops, Meme Comps, Sticker Comps and More

We look forward to seeing you join our official groups :)

$eCunt to the MOON!!!

Telegram Channel https://t.me/joinchat/F0GPx-xTI9Y4N2Zk
Telegram Group https://t.me/joinchat/03MZQlpUl800OTg0
Twitter eloncunt (@eloncuntbsc) / Twitter

Buy on Pancakeswap CLICK HERE
$eCUNT SmartContact.

